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CRADLE at the 73rd International Astronautical Congress

Mirko Trisolini presented the CRADLE project at the 73rd International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Paris. He shared his latest results with a crowd of space enthusiasts from all over the world that meet each year for the IAC, the largest conference for space applications.

At this year’s IAC, Mirko presented his work on the study of the motion of small particles around asteroids and how they can be collected via sample collection missions. The work develops several aspects of the dynamics of small particles around small bodies. From the propagation in strongly perturbed environments to the modelling of impact cratering events. In this work, his focus is on the sensitivity of the model’s parameters and how they may affect the sample collection. In particular, how they affect the long-term motion of the particles.

The work he presented is published in the conference proceedings “Sensitivity analysis of asteroid ejecta models for future in-orbit sample collection mission,” which can be found in OpenAccess at the following link

(PDF) Phase space description of the debris’ cloud dynamics through a continuum approach (